The Foundations for Thriving programme is designed to be interactive and deliver practical skills that participants will be able to implement immediately in order to maximise their impact across the business.
Month 1: Goal Setting
As we embark on our 12-month learning journey, delegates will be asked to reflect on their professional and personal goals for the programme, and break these down in to actionable steps. We will also explore methods to keep ourselves accountable for striving to achieve our goals.
Month 2: The Role of the In-House Lawyer
This month we will explore the role of the in-house lawyer, how it differs to private practice and how the role of the in-house lawyer will evolve as businesses rely more heavily on tech and AI. We will consider how in-house lawyers may need to adapt to meet these changing demands and explore how delegates can establish themselves within the businesses as partners for success.
Month 3: It Starts With You!
In month 3 we will introduce the concept of resilience, explore what it means and how it affects our performance. We will explore how we can help ourselves and our colleagues to better manage the potential and perceived stressors associated with legal practice and develop strategies to build resilience.​
Month 4: How to Prioritise & Thrive
This month we will explore how to achieve goals in the dynamic, ultra-adaptive environment of legal practice through the application of priority management. We will explore the importance of effective decision making in dynamic and ultra-adaptive environments and consider the practical and effective application of priority management tools.
Month 5: Communication for Success
Over the course of month 5 we will explore how we communicate and how we can optimize communication to improve teamwork and performance. We will explore communication strategies including empathy, compassion, active listening and non-violent communication.
Month 6: Overcoming Communication Challenges
Expanding on the learnings from month 5, this month we will consider the communication challenges that in-house lawyers may encounter and explore how we can communicate effectively, even under pressure. We will consider the importance of civility and learn how to have courageous conversations with clients and colleagues. We will also consider generational differences, cultural humility and neurodiversity.
Month 7: Setting Boundaries
This month we will explore how to set healthy boundaries in our professional and personal lives, developing further the communication skills we have learned in months 5 and 6.
Month 8: The Pool of Wisdom
Feedback services as a catalyst for growth, learning and improvement. Whether in education, the workplace, or personal life. However, giving and receiving feedback can sometimes be associated with uncomfortable feelings. Over the course of month 8, we will consider how we can receive and give feedback to maximise its positive impact and explore how we can normalise feedback in teams and organisations.
Month 9: Managing Upwards
In this month 9, we will begin to explore the concept of leadership and how it applies in all our professional and personal relationships. We will consider what self-leadership is and explore how to enhance emotional intelligence.
Month 10: The Power of Connection
This month we will discuss the power of connection and explore how we can develop strong relationships and use these to maximise our performance and wellbeing. When researching high performing teams, Google discovered that the key differentiator between higher and lower performing teams was psychological safety; the ability of team members to speak up without fearing judgment or embarrassment. In this session we will explore how we can create psychological safety and how to raise concerns through appropriate assertiveness. We will discuss the steps that we can take to fast-track new professional relationships that will enable individuals to integrate quickly and easily into new teams.
Month 11: Growing your Network
Networks are essential components for professional success and personal wellbeing. Sharing experiences and learnings amongst peers is a valuable source of data. This month we will expand on the content of month 10 to develop practical tips on how to grow, nurture and maximise the value of your network.
Month 12: Taking the Next Step
In the final month of the programme we will will discuss career planning and gaining the skills needed for aspiring to leadership positions. ​By the end of the month delegates will be able to:
understand the the importance of network for nurturing your pathway
understand the importance of focussing on your own learning and development including the importance of cross-fertilising
understand alternative career paths open to them within the profession​​​​​.​